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PTSD, Mental-Health Video Kompleks PTSD - diagnostik og behandling Mikkel Arendt, specialpsykolog i psykiatri, ph.d., lektor (Health, Aarhus Universitet), Specialist... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Skizofreni, Mental-Health Video Towards better care for women with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders Professor Iris Sommer, University Medical Centre Utrecht, UMC Utrecht, Department of... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Depression, Alzheimers sygdom Læsetid: 1 minut(s)Congress highlightsInfographic Depression and an ageing population According to a recent systematic review, the global prevalence of depression in people aged >60... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Skizofreni, Mental-Health Læsetid: 1 minut(s)Video Hvordan kan vi blive bedre til at identificere de faktorer, der har betydning for patienternes livskvalitet? Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Skizofreni VideoWebinar Towards better care for women with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Mental health Video Ellids Kristensen - Seksuelle udfordringer for mennesker med psykiske lidelser Psykisk lidelse kan have konsekvenser for parforhold og seksualitet, og flere undersøgelser har... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Skizofreni Video Charlotte Emborg Charlotte Emborg speaks about how ro best track and manage long-tern functional recovery in... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Depression Læsetid: 2 minut(s) Article Depression in men: less frequent, or just less recognized? International Men’s Day, among other aims, seeks to increase awareness of health challenges... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Depression Læsetid: 2 minut(s) Congress highlights One disease or many – the complexity of major depressive disorder Should we consider major depressive disorder as a single disease entity of a collection of... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Depression Læsetid: 2 minut(s) Article Why do antidepressants cause emotional blunting and what can be done to resolve it in clinical practice? Emotional blunting describes an indifferent, unresponsive affect and inability to feel emotions... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3